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With your mobile insert VR headset or 3D Mode
Download the eyeora app on your mobile and insert it into your headset or use 3D mode to experience content, locations or events in 360 x 360 view.
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To view this room, use either a mobile insert or VR headset
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With your VR headset
Download the eyeora app on any of these headsets.
Within app personalise avatars, create holograms or meet ups & more
Oculus account holders
Follow this link to access the app on Quest or Quest 2
No headset? Let us help.
Get the lowdown on headset options in our 'How to watch eyeora XR' guide.
For more
To learn more about this option, visit the eyeora Studio Site:
Details on every part of the full eyeora product suite, its potential and its benefits for Creators and Explorers is available there.